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Research Group Leads

Prof. Dr.  
Matthias Böhm

Research Group Lead

Stefan Chmiela BIFOLD research group lead

Stefan Chmiela

Research Junior Group Lead

Prof. Dr.  
Begüm Demir

Research Group Lead

Prof. Dr.  
Frederick Klauschen

Research Group Lead / Charité

Prof. Dr.  
Alexander Meyer

Research Group Lead / Charité

Prof. Dr.  
Grégoire Montavon

Research Junior Group Lead

Shinichi Nakajima Bifold research group lead

Shinichi Nakajima

Research Junior Group Lead

Rieck Konrad BIFOLD Research Security Machine Learning

Prof. Dr.  
Konrad Rieck

Research Group Lead

Dr. Alexander von Lühmann

Alexander von Lühmann

Research Junior Group Lead

Steffen Zeuch

Research Junior Group Lead


Member of Graduate School

Leila Arras Bifold researcher

Leila Arras

Doctoral Researcher

Lennart Behme Bifold researcher

Lennart Behme

Doctoral Researcher

Stefan Blücher

Doctoral Researcher

Baris Büyüktas

Doctoral Researcher

Kirill Bykov BIFOLD researcher

Kirill Bykov

Doctoral Researcher

Laure Ciernik

Doctoral Researcher

Fadli Damara

Doctoral Researcher

Gabriel Dernbach

Doctoral Researcher

Niklas Gebauer

Doctoral Researcher

Dennis Grinwald

Doctoral Researcher

Leonhard Hackel BIFOLD researcher

Leonard Hackel

Doctoral Researcher

Julius Hense

Doctoral Researcher

David Justen

Doctoral Researcher

Khaled Kahouli

Doctoral Researcher

Leon Klein Bifold Berlin Doctoral Researcher

Leon Klein

Doctoral Researcher

Anastasiia Kozar

Doctoral Researcher

alt text

Aljoscha Peter Lepping

Doctoral Researcher

Johannes Maeß

Doctoral Researcher

Bifold researcher Hannah Marienwald

Hannah Marienwald

Doctoral Researcher

Adrian Michalke

Doctoral Researcher

Rudi Poepsel Lemaitre

Doctoral Researcher

Winfried Ripken

Doctoral Researcher

Nils Schubert

Doctoral Researcher

Parastoo Semnani

Doctoral Researcher

Taha Tekdogan

Doctoral Researcher

Ping Xiong

Doctoral Researcher

Management Team

Celia Bohnhardt-Schneider

Administrative Assistant D2IP & DEEM

Sarah Hashmi

Administrative Assistant MLSEC & DAMS

Katharina Jung BIFOLD Head of Communications

Katharina Jung

Head of Communications

Katja Lehmann

Assistant to the Management Office

Stefanie Lenk Scientific Illustrator

Stefanie Lenk

Scientific Illustrator / Graphic Designer

Jean-Paul Olivier

Science Communications Officer & Social Media

Mahir Özgören Eventmanagement BIFOLD

Mahir Özgören

Event Management

Dominika Posse

Administrative Assistant

Dr. Tina Schwabe BIFOLD Graduate School

Tina Schwabe

Graduate School Coordination

Jack Thoms

Managing Director

Dr. Elke Witt BIFOLD

Elke Witt

Head of Scientific Strategy

Bethany Witte

Administrative Assistant

Laura Wollenweber BIFOLD Management

Laura Wollenweber

Scientific Coordinator Strategy


Clemens Lutz