ML and Data Quality |
Abedjan |
nan |
nan |
nan |
45366.0 |
ML on large dynamic graphs |
Markl |
nan |
nan |
44927.0 |
45443.0 |
Human Evaluation |
Müller |
nan |
nan |
45352.0 |
45535.0 |
Understanding Deep Generative Models |
Montavon, Samek, Müller |
nan |
Eberle |
44835.0 |
45657.0 |
Guided exploration of chemical space with DNN an Bayesian Optimization |
Müller |
nan |
Hessmann |
44805.0 |
45657.0 |
Data-driven Code Transformation |
Abedjan |
nan |
Chen |
44927.0 |
45747.0 |
LaConic: Learned Compression Pipelines for Time Series Storage and Analytics |
Böhm |
nan |
Muniz Cuza |
45441.0 |
45805.0 |
Entwicklung eines neuen Algorithmus zur Bestimmung haplotyp- spezifischer Kopienzahl- und Strukturvarianten aus Einzel-Zell Strand-seq Daten und der Rekonstruktion der zugrundeliegenden Haplotypen mit Verfahren des maschinellen Lernens |
Schwarz |
nan |
Lee |
45079.0 |
45809.0 |
Data Engineering in Earth Observation |
Demir |
nan |
Möllenbrok |
44927.0 |
46022.0 |
Model-regularized Learning of Complex Dynamical Behavior |
Conrad, Schütte |
nan |
Hanik |
45292.0 |
46022.0 |
Object Detection and Analysis in Historical Sources |
Valleriani, Müller |
nan |
Martinetz |
44835.0 |
46022.0 |
Wasserstein distances in deep learning |
Montavon, Müller |
nan |
Naumann |
44713.0 |
46022.0 |
GINKO - Genauigkeitsverbesserung von Quellenlokalisationsalgorithmen durch Individualisierte Kopfmodelle für die funktionelle Nahinfrarotspektroskopie und das EleKtrOenzephalogramm |
Lühmann von, Müller |
Blankertz |
Harmening |
45153.0 |
46022.0 |
Extending Explainable AI to Time Series Predictions |
Montavon, Samek |
nan |
nan |
44805.0 |
46022.0 |
Explainable AI for Clinical Omics Data Interpretation |
Müller, Klauschen |
nan |
Dippel |
44805.0 |
46022.0 |
Patterns of Copy-number Evolution |
Schwarz |
nan |
Kaufmann |
44805.0 |
46022.0 |
Unsupervised Clever Hans |
Müller, Montavon, Samek |
nan |
Kauffmann |
45300.0 |
46030.0 |
Compliant Data Processing in Geo-distributed Environments |
Markl |
nan |
Poepsel Lemaitre |
44743.0 |
46203.0 |
Information Theoretic Limits of Deep Learning |
Caire, Montavon |
nan |
Musa |
44743.0 |
46203.0 |
Auditable & Reproducible Stream Processing with Blockchain Technologies |
Schintke, Schütte, Conrad |
nan |
Ramaki |
45153.0 |
46248.0 |
Cross-lingual Information Extraction and Verification for the Assessment of Adverse Drug Reactions |
Möller, Markl |
Zweigenbaum |
Raithel |
45200.0 |
46295.0 |
Unified Processing Model for Distributed Stream Reasoning |
Hauswirth, Phuoc |
nan |
Yuan |
44835.0 |
46387.0 |
LungCAIRE - Multimodal Data Management |
Böhm |
nan |
Schöndorf |
45306.0 |
46401.0 |
CO2-effizientes föderiertes Lernen |
Nakajima, Kao |
nan |
Wilhelm |
45337.0 |
46432.0 |
Adaptive Monitoring and Fault Tolerance in Critical Resource-Constrained IoT-Sensor-Systems |
Kao, Zeuch |
nan |
Weiß |
45474.0 |
46568.0 |
IT-Sicherheit in Satelliten mittels Machine Learning |
Seifert, Rieck |
nan |
Beier |
45481.0 |
46575.0 |
Historische wissenschaftliche Texte: ML-gestützten Genealogien |
Valleriani, Montavon, Müller |
nan |
Song |
45488.0 |
46582.0 |
Physics-Driven Generative Modeling: Scalable and Interpretable Solutions for Lattice Systems in Theoretical Physics |
Nakajima, Chmiela |
nan |
Singha |
45566.0 |
46660.0 |
FakeXplain – Entwicklung von transparenten und sinnvollen Erklärungen im Desinformationserkennungskontext |
Rieck, Möller, Samek |
Meyer |
nan |
45601.0 |
46691.0 |
Data Stream Processing in Heterogeneous Environments |
Zeuch, Meyer |
nan |
Krüger |
nan |
nan |