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Katharina Jung


Technische Universität Berlin

Hardenbergstrasse 40A; Gebäude B, 2. OG, 10623 Berlin

Katharina Jung BIFOLD Head of Communications

Katharina Jung

Head of Communications

Machine Learning| Dec 01, 2021

Machine Learning consultation

Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) have permeated the sciences and large parts of working life. Today many people use machine learning techniques without being a proven expert. Consequently, many questions and problems arise while using these techniques. BIFOLD accommodates distinguished machine learning experts from different areas and offers a weekly consultation on machine learning for students, but also for companies and institutions.

Data Management| Nov 30, 2021

BIFOLD colloquium "Scalable and fast cloud data management"

Event date: December 06, 2021

Norbert Ritter (University of Hamburg), Felix Gessert (Baqend), and Wolfram Wingerath (Baqend) will talk about their scalable and fast cloud data management research at University of Hamburg and Software-as-a-Service company Baqend.

Machine Learning| Oct 25, 2021

New Berlin Cell Hospital announced

On October 13, 2021, at an event celebrating the 200th birthday of the famous pathologist, physician and socialist politician Rudolf Virchow, the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC) and the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, together with the Berlin Institute for the Foundations of Learning and Data (BIFOLD) and several other Berlin research institutions declared the founding of the Berlin Cell Hospital. The new Cell Hospital wants to shape and develop the cell-based medicine of the future.

BIFOLD Update| Jul 22, 2021

BIFOLD welcomes the first six Junior Fellows

The Berlin Institute for the Foundations of Learning and Data is very pleased to announce the first six BIFOLD Junior Fellows. They were selected for the excellence of their research and are already well-established researchers in the computer sciences. In addition, their research interests show exceptional potential for BIFOLD’s research goals, either by combining machine learning and data management or by bridging the two disciplines and other research areas. The first six Junior Fellows will cover a broad range of research topics during their collaboration with BIFOLD.

BIFOLD Update| May 12, 2021

New BIFOLD research groups established

The Berlin Institute for the Foundations of Learning and Data (BIFOLD) set up two new Research Training Groups, led by Dr. Stefan Chmiela and Dr. Steffen Zeuch. The goal of these new research units at BIFOLD is to enable a junior researcher to conduct independent research and prepare him for a leadership position. Initial funding includes their own position as well as two PhD students and/or research associates for three years.

BIFOLD Update| Nov 27, 2020

Join the symposium on the web and internet policy on december 09, 2020!

BIFOLD Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Georgios Smaragdakis (Chair of the Internet Network Architectures group at TU Berlin) and Dr. Volker Stocker (Leader of the Work and Cooperation in the Sharing Economy research group at Weizenbaum Institute) are organizing a symposium on web and internet policies.

Feel free to register here!

BIFOLD Update| Jun 18, 2020

Prof. Dr. Kutyniok coordinates new DFG priority program on artificial neural networks

Prof. Dr. Gitta Kutyniok is coordinator of the new DFG (German Research Foundation) priority program „Theoretical Foundations of Deep Learning“, which aims to develop a comprehensive theoretical basis for artificial neural networks.

BIFOLD Update| Apr 28, 2020

Join the MICCAI 2020 CADA challenge!

This year’s MICCAI Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention in Peru will feature Grand Challenges in biomedical image analysis. In Partnership with Charité, Fraunhofer MEVIS and Helios, BIFOLD supports the CADA challenge on the automated and semi-automated analysis of image data of cerebral aneurysms.