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Prof. Dr. Titus Kühne (Charité) and Prof. Dr. Grégoire Montavon (BIFOLD) are looking for a research assistant in the field of machine learning and medicine for a BIFOLD Agility subproject titled “EXPLAIN-HF: Explainable AI in continuously learning systems for heart failure”.

The BIFOLD-JRG Montavon is developing new methods for explaining complex ML models with applications in medicine. The AG Kühne uses innovative ML models to answer clinically relevant questions in the field of cardiology. The aim of the project is to develop and implement XAI models to improve the diagnosis and prognosis of heart failure, with a particular focus on right ventricular failure. Furthermore, the transfer to routine data is to be carried out to establish a self-learning system in clinical practice.


The tasks include implementing XAI-enabled ML models to identify patterns and predictors for heart failure, developing a prototype of an infrastructure for model use by clinical users, and conducting clinical validations with independent data sets to test the generalizability and robustness of the AI models. Teaching Tasks.

Salary grade: TV-L 13, Berliner Hochschulen
Starting date: January 01, 2025 (limited for 3 years)
Closing date: October 18, 2024
Full job posting: IV-515/24