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Research Assistant (E13, MLSec, IV-457/24)

Research Assistant (E13, IV-457/24)

The Chair of “Machine Learning and Security” explores the interface between computer security and artificial intelligence (AI). The chair develops new approaches to protect learning-based systems and defend against attacks and malware. It is part of the AI Competence Center BIFOLD in Berlin.

The chair is looking for a research assistant (PhD student) for the project AIGENCY. This project investigates the opportunities and risks of generative AI (such as ChatGPT) from the persepective of computer security. It explores the attack surface of generative AI models and develops novel attack and protection mechanisms. The aim is to scientifically assess security risks and contain them at an early stage. The possibility of a doctorate exists.


Employer: TU Berlin / BIFOLD
Salary Grade: E13, TVL Berliner Hochschulen
Duration: October 31, 2026
Start date:  Earliest possible
Closing Date: September 13, 2024 
Full job postingIV-457/24