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Videos of the "ML& DM for Earth Observation" Workshop

We are pleased to announce that the videos from the "Machine Learning and Data Management for Earth Observation" workshop, held on March 18-19, 2024, are now available online. The event, organized by the Data Management and Machine Learning for Earth Observation Group and BIFOLD, brought together renowned experts to discuss the latest developments and future directions in this dynamic field.

The workshop "Machine Learning and Data Management for Earth Observation" highlighted the profound advancements in the precise analysis of the vast and diverse data obtained from Earth Observation (EO). Over the past decade, the launch of numerous satellites equipped with cutting-edge optical and synthetic aperture radar sensors has dramatically increased the volume, variety, and resolution of EO data. This workshop brought together leading researchers specializing in remote sensing, machine learning, signal and image processing, and big data management to discuss innovative approaches to handle and analyze this complex, heterogeneous data. The efficient processing and intelligent analysis of EO data are essential for enhancing our understanding of the planet's current state and the changes it is undergoing.

Below is a list of the 12 video sessions available for viewing - you'll also find these videos on the BIFOLD YouTube Channel:

Opening Remarks
Speakers: Prof. Dr. Volker Markl, BIFOLD Director; Prof. Dr. Begüm Demir, BIFOLD Group Lead

Science in the Era of AI
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Alex Szalay, Director of the Institute for Data Intensive Science, Johns Hopkins University

Unlocking the Potential of Planetary-Scale Machine Learning for a Sustainable Future
Speaker: Assist. Prof. Dr. Hannah Kerner, Arizona State University, AI Lead at NASA Harvest

Repeatability and Reusability of ML Workflows powered by European Resources - Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem
Speaker: Grega Milčinski, General Manager, Sinergise

Foundation Models for Earth Observation and Weather Modeling
Speaker: Dr. Johannes Jakubik, IBM Research

Beyond Heatmapping: On the Benefit of Explainable Machine Learning for the Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ribana Roscher, University Bonn / Forschungszentrum Jülich

Spatio-Temporal Overview of Usable Landsat and Sentinel-2 Data - Opportunities and Limitations for Vegetation Monitoring
Speaker: Dr. Katarzyna Ewa Lewinska, HU Berlin, (Audio only)

Panel Discussion - Opportunities and Future Directions in Machine Learning and Data Management for Earth Observation
Speakers: Prof. Dr. Ribana Roscher, University Bonn / Forschungszentrum Jülich; Prof. Dr. Paolo Gamba, University of Pavia, Editor-in-Chief of IEEE GRSM; Assist. Prof. Dr. Hannah Kerner, Arizona State University, AI Lead at NASA Harvest; Dr. Ronny Hänsch, ML Team Lead/Department SAR Technology, DLR

We again thank all speakers and participants for the insightful sessions and lively discussions at the intersection of machine learning, data management, and Earth observation. For more information, visit the Workshop Page.