PD Dr. Med. Alexander Meyer, BIFOLD Associated Investigator and Chief Medical Information Officer at German Heart Center Berlin, was appointed as a W2 professor for „Clinical Applications of AI and Data Science“ at Charité Berlin.
His professorship will focus on the application of AI and Data Science in cardiovascular medicine. The Berlin Institute for the Foundations of Learning and Data supports the professorship with two full-time positions for research assistants.
In the past, PD Dr. Alexander Meyer developed a Big Data system for the quality control of chirurgical procedures in real-time. More recently he also developed a recurrent neural network, which was able to predict kidney failure as a complication of heart surgery more accurate then human professionals.
The professorship at Charité will enable PD Dr. Meyer to intensify his research with a focus on systems to support medical decision-making and data-based patient models. The aim is to create an individual “digital twin” of each patient in order to plan and simulate the best possible therapy. Alexander Meyer’s teaching concept includes new courses such as “Digital Data in Medicine” or “Machine Learning and Big Data in Medicine”.
More information is available in the official press release by DHZB (in german).