Dr. Nathan Daniel Lee
Dr. Nathan Daniel Lee applied his PhD in mathematics at the University of Washington, with experience in computational biology, data science, and high-performance computing. His research uses computational and mathematical models to study cancer evolution. During his PhD, he also worked with a team of bioinformaticians, physicians, and research scientists at the Fred Hutch Cancer Center to integrate these models into a molecular diagnostics software tool for use by oncologists.
He has a strong background in programming and data science. While pursuing his research, he made extensive use of parallel/high-performance computing, developed optimization algorithms and Monte Carlo simulations, and analyzed various types of genomics datasets. During his PhD he had the unique opportunity to serve as his department's system administrator, where he managed the department's computing resources for research and teaching, which included its computing servers. He also obtained grants to upgrade the GPUs on these servers to current state-of-the-art hardware for deep learning and computational neuroscience.