Shaping tomorrow’s IT executives
BIFOLD is proud to announce that two our PhD students - Lennart Behme and Haralampos Gavriilidis, both supervised by Prof. Dr. Volker Markl - have been awarded a Software Campus 2022 grant to conduct their own research projects as junior research leads.
Lennart's project, "A System for Collaborative and Decentralized Federated Learning", aims at developing a system for end-to-end Federated Learning (FL) across organizational boundaries. Current FL systems do not solve the data management challenges of cross-silo FL, such as data discovery, data integration, or system-inherent privacy guarantees. Therefore, in order to fully leverage FL's capabilities for training machine learning models in a privacy-preserving manner, we need a new system design that supports organizations throughout the entire process of implementing FL use cases. In his project, Lennart will be working with Volkswagen, one of the largest car manufacturers in the world.
Haralampos's project, Efficient and Effective Query Processing for Federated Data Analytics, aims at assisting today’s data scientists in creating valuable insights by breaking inter- and intra-organizational data silos. Current mediator-wrapper-based solutions are based on a centralized query processing model and hence require additional resources, lead to redundant data transfer, and cause longer execution time. This project proposes a novel query processing architecture where participating database management systems collaboratively compute user query results in a decentralized fashion. For his project, Haralampos will be collaborating with Huawei, a large telecommunication company and cloud service provider.
The Software Campus (SWC), funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), is an executive development program aimed at shaping tomorrow’s senior IT executives. It is directed at outstanding doctoral students in computer science who are interested in taking on leadership responsibilities in the future. In doing so, the program combines cutting-edge scientific research with hands-on management experience in a new and innovative concept. Awardees plan and lead their own research projects in collaboration with an industry partner over a two-year period. Responsible for a research budget of 100.000€ each, SWC participants can accelerate their research and gain leadership experience by hiring research assistants, acquiring specialized hardware, and promoting their work at international conferences.