Honoring Groundbreaking Achievements in Nanotechnology

The Foresight Institute has awarded Prof. Dr. Klaus-Robert Müller, BIFOLD Co-director and Chair of the Machine Learning group at TU Berlin, with the 2024 Foresight Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology in the category of Theory.
Foresight Institute’s acclaimed Feynman Prizes, named in honor of the renowned physicist Richard Feynman, recognize recent and brilliant achievements that contribute deeply to the field of Nanotechnology. The prize in Theory in particular is awarded for excellence in theory to researchers whose recent work has most advanced the achievement of Feynman’s goal for nanotechnology: molecular manufacturing, defined as the construction of atomically-precise products through the use of molecular machine systems.
Klaus-Robert Müller has been contributing to the mathematical foundations of Machine Learning for years. Furthermore he has been actively researching on Machine Learning for the sciences with a special focus in Quantum Chemistry. Here his Machine Learning techniques enabled 7 orders of magnitude faster prediction of quantum properties while maintaining accuracy and additionally extracting novel insights from the Machine Learning models.
“It is a great pleasure and an even greater honor for me to join the ranks of the renowned winners of the Feynman Prize. I have been working on modeling quantum properties for years, and I am very proud that my team recently succeeded in significantly accelerating the prediction of such properties through the intelligent use of machine learning models."
The prize is officially awarded on January 10th, 2025, during a special award ceremony.
Established in 1986, Foresight Institute is a pioneering non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of molecular manufacturing and transformative technologies. Navigating scientific areas often seen as too ambitious for traditional institutions, Foresight Institute is committed to shaping the long-term future of life through these technologies. Awarded since 1993, Foresight Institute’s Feynman Prizes celebrate both established and emerging talents in the field of nanotechnology, embodying their vision of steering transformative technologies to benefit humanity.