BIFOLD researchers presented three papers at database conference
BIFOLD researchers presented three research papers at the EDBT/ICDT conference 2024, which took place from March 25 to 28 in Paestum, Italy. The conference focuses on promoting and supporting research and progress in the areas of databases and information systems technology and applications.

The first paper originating from the Database Systems and Information Management (DIMA) group, headed by BIFOLD co-Director Prof. Dr. Volker Markl, is titled "Benchmarking Stream Join Algorithms on GPUs: A Framework and its Application to the State of the Art". It is authored by Dwi P. A. Nugroho, Philipp M. Grulich, Steffen Zeuch, Clemens Lutz, Stefano Bortoli, and Volker Markl. The paper sheds light on the performance characteristics of GPU-accelerated stream join algorithms (SJAs). The researchers show in experiments that each variant of SJA has its strengths and weaknesses and that ill-suited configurations of parameters lead to up to two orders of magnitude difference in throughput. Based on their results, they have developed a guideline for selecting SJA variants for different circumstances.
The second paper "Bridging the Gap: Complex Event Processing on Stream Processing Engines" is authored by Ariane Ziehn, Philipp M. Grulich, Steffen Zeuch, and Volker Markl, also from the DIMA group. In the paper, the researchers propose a novel operator mapping that overcomes the drawbacks of current hybrid solutions that extract knowledge from unbounded data streams. In particular, they bridge the gap between Complex Event Processing (CEP) and Analytical Stream Processing (ASP) by mapping CEP to ASP operators, enabling the decomposition of the pattern workload into multiple operators. As a result, the mapping enables CEP workloads to piggyback on the scalability and efficiency of distributed ASP systems. The results demonstrate that the proposed mapping outperforms the single-operator solution for semantically equivalent ASP queries by a factor of up to 150x and enables workloads that current CEP solutions do not sustain. As a result, the mapping truly unlocks the benefits of both paradigms in one system by enabling a broad range of CEP functionalities in general-purpose ASP systems.
Additionally, Rama Widyadhana Bhagaskoro presented the paper “Evaluation of Sampling Methods for Discovering Facts from Knowledge Graph Embeddings,” which was co-authored by Volker Markl and Zoi Kaoudi. In addition he chaired the session “EDBT I&A Session 1: Enterprise data”.
The organizers of the EDBT/ICDT conference 2024 held a memorial event to posthumously honor the special achievements of Jorge Quiané-Ruiz. Quiané-Ruiz was an active and successful member of the database systems community and a BIFOLD Junior Research Group Lead. He sadly passed away suddenly last year. He is and will forever be sorely missed.
The EDBT conference series is an established and respected forum for sharing the latest research in data management. It is organized annually in conjunction with ICDT, a well-established and respected series of international conferences on research in the foundations and theory of data management.

A photo of current and former members of the DIMA and D2IP (Data Integration and Data Preparation) Research Groups in BIFOLD at TU Berlin as well as collaborators jointly attending the 2024 EDBT Conference. (Front row, left to right): Ankit Chaudhary, Dimitrios Giouroukis, Serafeim Papadias, Kajetan Maliszewski, Dr. Alexander Borusan, Adrian Michalke, Nils Schubert, Rama Widyadhana Bhagaskoro (Master’s Student, TU Berlin), Prof. Dr. Zoi Kaoudi (IT University of Copenhagen, BIFOLD/TUB Alumnus), Anastasiia Kozar, Ariane Ziehn, Dwi Prasetyo Adi Nugroho, and Prof. Dr. Volker Markl. (Back row, left to right): Dr. Max Heimel (Snowflake, BIFOLD/TUB Alumnus), Prof. Dr. Tilmann Rabl (Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, BIFOLD/TUB Alumnus), Dr. Viktor Rosenfeld, Rudi Poepsel Lemaitre, Lennart Behme, Prof. Dr. Ziawasch Abedjan, Haralampos Gavriilidis, Prof. Dr. Asterios Katsifodimos (TU Delft, BIFOLD/TUB Alumnus), Dr. Steffen Zeuch, Xenofon Chatziliadis, Mahdi Esmailoghli, Prof. Dr. Paris Carbone (KTH, BIFOLD/TUB Collaborator), Gereon Dusella, Juan Soto, and Ricardo Ernesto Martinez Ramirez.