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Vessim: A Testbed for Carbon-Aware Applications and Systems

Philipp Wiesner
Ilja Behnke
Paul Kilian
Marvin Steinke
Odej Kao

June 19, 2024

To reduce the carbon footprint of computing and stabilize electric ity grids, there is an increasing focus on approaches that align the power usage of IT infrastructure with the availability of clean energy. Unfortunately, research on energy-aware and carbon-aware applications, as well as the interfaces between computing and energy systems, remains complex due to the scarcity of available testing environments. To this day, almost all new approaches are evaluated on custom simulation testbeds, which leads to repeated development efforts and limited comparability of results. In this paper, we present Vessim, a co-simulation environment for testing applications and computing systems that interact with their energy systems. Our testbed connects domain-specific simulators for renewable power generation and energy storage, and enables users to implement interfaces to integrate real systems through software and hardware-in-the-loop simulation. Vessim offers an easy-to-use interface, is extendable to new simulators, and provides direct access to historical datasets. We aim to not only accelerate research in carbon-aware computing but also facilitate development and operation, as in continuous testing or digital twins. Vessim is publicly available: